Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yummy Pumpkin Waffles

Pumpkin Oatmeal Waffles
·         1 ¼ cups whole wheat flour
·         1 ¼ cups old fashioned oats
·         4 teaspoons baking powder
·         2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
·         1 teaspoon ground allspice
·         1 teaspoon ground ginger
·         1/2 teaspoon salt
·         1/4 cup packed brown sugar
·         1 cup canned pumpkin
·         1 cup milk
·         4 eggs
·         1/4 cup oil

In a blender add flour, oatmeal, baking powder, cinnamon, allspice, ginger, salt, and brown sugar and blend to combine.  Add pumpkin, milk, eggs and oil and blend. Cook waffles according to manufacturer's instructions.

Monday, September 12, 2011

 New Granddaughter - Paige
Born September 8
Isn't her mom beautiful?
 Totally smitten!!
Parker's baptism in August
Is a wonderful example
For this new little sister!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Highlight for July was the Family Reunion Trip with Jaron & Leo

 Leo's first Subway Sandwich & Pic in Burley
 Riding in uncle Lances Bronco

 Shoshone Falls on the way home.

Surprise butterfly adventure.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fun with G-Kids

 Launching Paper Rockets!!
 Line up to access launch pad!
 Tea Party at the Farkle Game
 Making Lady Bugs
Lady Bugs with Antenas
Swimming, water fights, bon fires to make s'mores,
movies in the yard, sleeping under the tramp.
Did just about everything!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fun June Weekend

Keegan's fun Birthday Party
With Friends & Family

Karen & Kent Gardner's 50th Wedding Anniversary at beautiful park.

Visit to Heritage Park with Cheryl. Not sure I could have been a pioneer.
Some of their homes were about as big as my bedroom!!

Sunday afternoon after big Father's Day rain storm - beautiful!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fun Weekend

 Fancy dinner celebrating 100 year anniversary of Hotel Utah.

     Getting ready for a picture.  Parker, Colin, Mitchell, Jared.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yummy Sounding Recipe

Quinoa, Apricot, and Nut Clusters
·         3/4 cup white quinoa
·         1 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
·         1/2 cup shelled raw sunflower seeds
·         1/2 cup shelled raw pistachios chopped
·         1 cup dried apricots thinly sliced
·         1/4 cup sugar
·         1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
·         1/4 cup honey
·         2 tablespoons vegetable oil
·         1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
·         2 large eggs plus 1 large egg white lightly beaten
·         Vegetable-oil cooking spray
1.    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse quinoa thoroughly in a fine sieve; drain. Bring 1 1/2 cups water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add quinoa; return to a boil. Stir quinoa; cover, and reduce heat. Simmer until most liquid is absorbed and quinoa is slightly undercooked, about 12 minutes; transfer to a rimmed baking sheet. Bake, fluffing with a fork occasionally, until pale golden, 30 to 35 minutes. Let cool in a large bowl.
2.    Spread oats on baking sheet; bake until lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Add oats to quinoa. Spread seeds on baking sheet; bake until lightly toasted, about 7 minutes. Add to quinoa mixture; let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees.
3.    Toss nuts, apricots, sugar, and salt with quinoa mixture. Beat honey, oil, and vanilla into eggs; stir into quinoa mixture.
4.    Line a 12-by-17-inch baking sheet with parchment; lightly coat with cooking spray. Spoon 1/4 cup batter onto sheet for each cluster; space 3 inches apart. Flatten to 1/4 inch thick. Bake, rotating sheet halfway through, until crisp, about 25 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack. Store, loosely covered with foil, up to 2 days.

Love My Lunch Time Walks

 My best columbine pic ever!!

 Fun garden by Eagle Gate on State Street

Allium at Lion House

Leo Shines

 What fun projects!!
And Leo did them all!
 Made a quilt, 
a creative tree pic, 
pottery and lots of other things.
Then helped Miles enjoy 
a school talent show.
What a talented fun big brother!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another Splash of Spring Flowers

 Loved the light and colors today!!
 Temple Square At Noon

Wanted this balmy scene to last forever!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Treasures

A Few More Spring Blooms

Love the colors
A different kind of flower

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wonderful Mother's Day Weekend

 Boise river before WICKED on Thursday after barbeque
Good friends, good family, good play, good weather,
good everything!!
Where would I be without good friends and family?
 Idaho Capital Building Tour on Friday
Light is everything!
Where would I be without light and beautiful art?
 Flowers in the Botanical Garden-on Friday
Where would life be without flowers?
 Girls in the Botanical Garden
Where would life be without family & friends?
 My sister & me at the Rooster Tail on Saturday
Where would life be without my sister?
My sister/friend & me framed by the Tail
Where would life be without my friend?
 Rooster Tail
 Rooster Tail Sea!
 New Pink Purse-Love My Mom
Happy Mothers Day!!
Where would I be without my mom?
 Beautiful Roses When I got home on Sunday
Where would I be without flowers from my girls and phone calls from my boys?
More gorgeous flowers!!
Where would I be without family, friends, beauty and flowers?
I can't imagine!!
I'm still smiling from the weekend and will smile every time I think of it!