Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8 - Lunch

Lunch - For the Birds

July 7 - Garden

 Love my deck garden.
and zinnias below
but close by.

July 6 - Chair

 Chair my babies were rocked in
and chair that watched them
grow up as meals were eaten.
Love the memories!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5 - On the floor

 Feet on the floor
Fun time shopping
With some of my favorite girls.

July 4- Fun

 4th of July ?!!!?!

Paper rocket launcher fun
before night fireworks display.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3 - Best part of my day

 Best part of my day...
 ...was thinking
..about the fun we had...

July 2 - Busy

 Busy at the Aviary...
 ...with some of my favorite birds...
...and people.